Sunday, 4 May 2014


The print show was a success! We raised over £1200 on the night. And I know the online sales have been doing pretty well too. If you want to buy one, here's the online shop of what's left.
What I wore on the night - I took this when I got home so I look a bit disheveled. MAC's Ruby Woo and the rest is pretty simple. My attempt (fail) at Parisian chic. 
In full uni mode right now. Here's my neighbours (Ben's) work. A good and talented egg... and friend. I can be a pretty pessimistic sod and he somehow always manages to change my outlook on things (uni) - albeit briefly. But thanks.
Utilising my housemates for projects as always. I'm currently into navy lower lashes at the moment. I've had quite a bit of compliments too - adds colour and makes your eyes brighter. YAY.  
A quick test on what I've been up to.
My dream. One of them anyway.