Wednesday 14 August 2013


I've recently been obsessed with watching Eat Your Kimchi videos and stumbled across a video where Martina gets a makeover by the talented Saemmool Jung. Jung is responsible for doing all the famous K-pop stars, and even though I'm not familiar with that fandom, it's interesting to see what trends/styles/looks are popular on the other side. It might sound a bit 'weird', but even when I first started out with makeup, I never specifically hunted down looks or tutorials for Asian eyes etc. I just see make-up as make-up, and faces as faces... it doesn't really matter to me. BUT a lot of my Asian friends, tend to relate more to looks done on Asian models - which I can see why if you are unfamiliar with make-up. Anyway.... check out Jung's channel, she creates very beautiful faces and her videos are beautifully shot and edited.

I love how NARS shows us the production of their campaigns - from styling to on set. The make-up has a very decadent glamour edge..... so ready for fall!

Mary Greenwell creates an effortless chic look for day or night.

Define, contour and highlight - the best way to cheat yourself amazing face structure.

Need skincare advice or a new regime? Watch this video.
Bowie meets punk? 
Fall trends we'll be sporting this fall by legendary Pat McGrath.

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