I know the blood could of been placed nearer to the lash line but IRL and without flash it's not as noticeable :)
Hey guys, another impromptu job for me as always! I literally got asked very late last night if I wanted to do a living dead/zombie look for my sisters friend. I wasn't really sure whether to do it or not as I'm not very experienced in this department but first time for everything, and if I didn't do it I never would of.
So yeah, the above is my first ever attempt at a 'realistic' style living dead/zombie. M.L gave me a loose brief but she said she wanted to look like as if she had got punched. I think some parts of the make-up look more realistic than others but I guess you still get the whole vibe going.
This look was done using just powder eye shadows- just lots of blending and layering. A good technique I used was to use cotton wool pleat and press the shadow onto to the skin (sponging technique), which I think gives a really good effect to the skin.
Next post you should see me as a cat, my friend as a witch doctor (he finally decided) and maybe my time at the MAC seminar depending if it's blog worthy enough :)